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Condition: New product

General Tonic- Energizes vital functions
Size : 500ml

স্নায়বিক, শারীরিক ও অতিরিক্ত কাজের ফলে সৃষ্ট দুর্বলতা, ক্ষুধামন্দা বিশেষ করে গর্ভবতী মায়েদের দ্রুত শারীরিক পুনর্গঠনে অত্যন্ত কার্যকর।



In conditions of anaemia, loss of appetite, convalescence, especially after debilitating fevers or surgical operations, pregnancy, loss of weight and in growing children.
Feeling of exhaustion and anxiety due to overwork and worry rapidly subside and general physical improvement in the patient very shortly appears.

Acidum Phos: Physical and mental exhaustion, impotence, pollutions, lack of concentration, apathy, sleepiness during day time.

Avena sativa: Neurasthenia, mental overstrain, sexual debility, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Calcium phos: Deficiency in calcium production and perturbation of the growth of the bones.

China : General tonic after loss of humours and exhaustion, illnesses, impotence thereafter.

Cinnamomum: Convalescence, presents all kinds of bleedings.

Ginseng: Its excellent roborant result is due to vitamin D1, and B2 (Thyamine and Riboflavine) as well as to its mineral ingredients with high content of sulphur.

Hydrastis: General tonic in illness-related weight reduction, exhaustion, hyposthenia.

Magnesium phos: Stabilization of the central nervous system, pains and cramps in nerves and muscles, neuralgia.

Medicago sativa (alfalfa): Contains amino acids, which are indispensable for the bodily structure.

Nux Vomica: Stabilization of cramps in nerves.
- Adults one tablespoon, children one teaspoonful 3 times daily before meals.

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